​In the small town of Puckerbrush, the town's favorite couples find themselves embracing new beginnings. Abigail and Matthew Thompson are savoring life as parents, while Martha and Charles Stratford find joy in restoring Eldon's historic home. Emily and John Johnson are pouring their hearts into making the Puckerbrush Café a cozy haven, and Samuel Piper is ready to propose to the love of his life, Lydia Harris.
But when the hit show Tracing Your Heritage invites Piper, Matthew, and Emily to reveal their family secrets, Puckerbrush becomes the center of unexpected drama. Just as the town starts buzzing with excitement, Constantine Thornton, a stranger with her own mysterious past, rolls into town with a broken-down car.
With a Christmas wedding on the horizon, Puckerbrush comes together to solve a new mystery, celebrate love, and embrace the magic of the season. Secrets, romance, and festive cheer fill the air as the town’s beloved characters discover that the past can shape a brighter future.
Join the heartwarming journey of love, community, and Christmas spirit in Christmas in Puckerbrush—a story of family, romance, and the joy of coming home
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